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Starter Growth Pack

For small teams trying out for an unlimited period.

C$ 150 / Month
  • 50 Credits
  • Number of Leads: 1 Verified Lead
  • Discount: No discount
  • Lead Quality: Standard Quality Leads – Ideal for testing and initial engagement.

Business Expansion Pack

For account executives who want increased productivity.

C$ 670 / Month
  • 250 Credits
  • 10.67% Discount
  • Number of Leads: 5 Verified Leads
  • Lead Quality: Enhanced Quality Leads – Higher accuracy and targeting for better conversions.

Enterprise Growth Pack

For medium and large sales organizations.

C$ 1250 / Month
  • 500 Credits
  • 16.67% Discount
  • Number of Leads: 10 Verified Leads
  • Lead Quality: Premium Quality Leads – The highest level of lead precision and readiness to convert over time.
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